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The Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015

In the wake of constantly changing business atmosphere and scenarios in India and countries worldwide, to make businesses in India easier, fully convenient, and safely transparent, the Indian Government opted for making certain changes in the provisions of the newly promulgated Companies Act of 2013. These changes have been brought about through the Companies (Amendment) Act of 2015, which had got President's assent on 25th May 2015 and was then published in the Official Gazette of India on 26th May 2015 with effect since. Many provisions and regulations have been added to, made refined, omitted from, and included in the existing Companies Act of 2013 through this companies amendment act of 2015. The section below provides separate information regarding the Highlights of Companies Amendment Act 2015, to help our myriads of India and international website visitors.

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The changes introduced by this Companies Amendment Act of 2015, are related with many aspects of corporate establishment and corporate governance, including the minimum amount of paid-up share capital required; common seal of the company; requirement of obtaining the certificate of commencement of business; public inspection of Board Resolutions; related party transactions; responsibilities of the Audit Committee; fraud reporting by auditors; provisions of special courts for hearing the winding up cases and offences; etc.

Highlights of Companies Amendment Act 2015

Some of the major and most significant changes made under the Companies (Amendment) Act of 2015, are the following:

To know about other changes made by the Indian Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015, or avail our expert and swift legal services for doing safe and profitable business anywhere in India, Indian and foreign people may promptly call over: or send a relevant email to: or directly call us at 81303-00046; Landline: +91-11-2248-1711 for any type of company law services in India.