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FCRA Registration

For acquiring contributions or grants from foreign sources, the fcra registration is inevitably essential. Every sovereign country recommends fcra registration with the concerned governmental department or authority, to facilitate the receipt of foreign funds and contributions by private societies, trusts, institutions, associations, and NGOs established in any part of the country. The main and ultimate objectives of the fcra registration are to legalize the receiving of foreign funds by any domestic agency or entity, and to ensure that the received funds are being utilized properly and strictly for the specified purposes. Ours globally reputed law firm, which has been offering elegant services regarding all areas of legal practice in countries worldwide, additionally provides swift services for fcra registrations. In this article, being offered is information about ours fcra registration services in India, and well-rounded information regarding the fcra registration in india. For over a decade, ours law firm has been serving people and entities engaged in all diverse economic sectors in India or abroad.

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FCRA Registration Process

In India, fcra registration is made under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976. The fcra registration in india is provided for two main categories of necessities --- for receiving one-time grant from any one specified foreign source, and the other is, for obtaining frequent contributions or funds from many different foreign sources. We offer proficient services for obtaining these both types of fcra registrations as per the need of our clients. The procedures for acquiring these registrations are described in the last section of this article. The necessary documents to be submitted for fcra registration are --- copy of the Company or Society registration certificate; copies of the Memorandum of Association (MOA) and the Articles of the Association (AOA), letters in favor of the foreign grants; a newly opened Bank Account for handling foreign funds, well-audited Financial Statements of last three consecutive years, information about all developmental Works done by the applicant entity in last three years, and other information demanded.

Our FCRA Services : Global Jurix LLP

Global Jurix LLP has vast experience on fcra realted law services. Ours adept lawyers have been helping associations, NGOs, trusts, and other entities established in every part of India, in getting swift FCRA Registration Number. For the necessity of receiving one-time foreign grant from any one mentioned source, the applicant has to receive Prior Permission from the Government of India through the application form FC-1A. On the other hand, for making fcra registration in connection with acquiring frequent and multiple funds and grants from diverse foreign sources, the applicant has to proceed through the form FC-8 with the FCRA section of the Home Affairs of the Government of India. All above-mentioned documents are also to be submitted along with the relevant application form. Our well-informed and experienced attorneys assist entities in obtaining both these categories of governmental permission.

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