Trademark Services in India for Textiles and Textile Products

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Trademark Services in India for Textiles and Textile Products

Since India's independence, the textile industry in the country is flourishing at a good pace. The sector is filled with immense potential and also giving an unprecedented contribution to the growth of the Indian Economy. According to the latest data, the sector of textiles and garments accounts for around 15% of the national industrial production, contributes about 4% to the national GDP, generates around 15% of India's export earnings, and shares around 5% in the global textiles and garments trade.India's some states like West Bengal, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, and Andhra Pradesh are globally acclaimed for producing high-quality textile products. In the matter of employment, the textile industry is the second largest employment creator after the agricultural sector.

Therefore, the business in the field of textile is highly profitable. This post contains significant information about the Trademark Services for textiles products, and also for the registration of the companies interested in doing business in the field of textiles and textile products anywhere in India.

How to Trademark Name and Logo Registration for Textiles and Textile Products?

The trademarks and logos related to various textile products are exclusively registered under Trademark Services for class 24. Below are the entire procedures of trademark registration for textiles and textile products.

  • Verifying the uniqueness of new trademark through trademark search in Indian trademark databases.
  • Filing the completed application for registration with the relevant zonal office of trademark registry.
  • Quick response totrademark examiner/registrar and satisfying them about the registrability of the forwarded trademark
  • Tackling the possible cases of trademark opposition
  • Finally, getting the certificate of trademark registration.

Why Choose Indian Law Firm for Trademark Registration Services?

  • Budget-friendly trademark registration services certainly a value adds for small and mid-sized enterprises that have a small budget.
  • Top-notch infrastructure, which ensures quick and impeccable services.
  • 100% security of client's data.
  • High-quality Services by professionals.
  • End-to-end support and accomplishment of work in a certain deadline.

There is a great significance of Trademark Registration for the business. It not only enhances the credibility of brands but also creates a distinguished identity of the business. In addition, trademark registration gives your business global recognition. If you are looking to start your venture, then trademark registration is mandatory. There is some Top Law Firm in India have highly-qualified trademark lawyers offer high-quality and affordable trademark services. Global Jurix is a coveted and highly acclaimed Law Firm in Delhi have a highly-qualified and well-seasoned team of trademark lawyers offering Online Trademark Registration Services across all metro cities of the country.

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