NBFC Registration

The role of NBFCs is very impressive and vital for development and prosperity in the industrial, commercial, institutional, and service sectors of economy in any progressing country. Now-a-days, these NBFCs have fortified their respected place as significant complementary to the banking and financial sector in every country. These non-banking financial companies help and support small to big investors and businessmen in transactions related with the fields of deposits, diverse loans, investment funds, hire-purchasing, leasing, instruments of the capital and money markets, and finance. Activities and services of these companies are different from those of the banks, and the institutions dealing with the agricultural, industrial, real estate, etc., dealings and transactions. These NBFCs are registered very strictly under the rules and regulations of the apex financial institution in any country, working under the ministry of finance. Our prestigious and globally reputed law firm has been providing legal services to people and entities in all economic sectors in countries situated worldwide, including as an ancillary, the nbfc registrations. In ours this highly informative and enlightening article, productive and elusive information about the nbfc registration in india, and ours all nbfc registration services, is furnished generously, for lavish benefits to our Indian and International visitors.

NBFC Registration Process

In India, too, these NBFCs are rather prominent and supportive, and are broadly classified in the categories of --- asset finance companies, loan companies, and the investment companies. Any company registered properly under the Companies Act, 2013 of India, and dealing with matters and transactions in any of the above-mentioned fields, is mandatorily required to have the nbfc registration certificate issued by the Reserve Bank of India. Such a registration is compulsory, if its all financial transactions in business get more than 50% of its own capital in any year. Again, for seeking registration under the category of a non-banking financial company, the aspirant company must have a total capital of Rs. 2 Crore. The nbfc registration process comprises of submitting the prescribed application form together with all necessary documents to the Reserve Bank of India, and then prosecuting for brisk registration. If the apex bank finds that the requirements and conditions mentioned in the Section 45-IA of the RBI Act of 1934, are fully satisfied by the company, then it grants nbfc registration certificate to the applicant company.

Our NBFC Services

Global Jurix LLP is a leading name in non-banking financial companies related services is Well-established in India, ours well-experienced law firm has been supporting comprehensively numerous entrepreneurs, companies, investors, retail traders, and other individuals and entities, in acquiring swift and perfect nbfc registration. Ours services for nbfc registration cover expert counsel over nbfc registration, filing up the nbfc application, preparing necessary documents, getting requisite approvals from the concerned governmental authorities, and offering rigorous prosecution for the best possible and brisk nbfc registration, on behalf of people and entities located in all parts of India and abroad.

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