Patent Analysis

Patent Analysis is an in-depth study of patents/publications based on the search report conducted for an invention. It is an important step carried out by the attorneys, scientists, and researchers in their quest for patent perfection, developing research and development strategy, deciding on business strategy and countering the competent companies in the market. it helps to give a clear picture of the concern IP issue.

Patent analysis is carried out in most of the cases to decide the patentability of an invention before deciding to file a patent application, infringement analysis before using any patent product or process of a third party by a company/individual and freedom to operate before launching a product in a particular country.

Each study is composed of a comprehensive report consisting of a summary and detailed analysis, done by a professional Patent Analyst, legal status of the patent or date of publication of the document in most of the cases. Each report underlines trends and directions in the technology domain of interest and includes crucial information on key technology providers. Patents are ranked by their pertinence to the concern technology or as demand by the client.

Patent analysis by a patent expert enables to determine the strength of patent resources of the company in the market and also help in identifying the loopholes in research and development. For the individual patent holders or small entities it finds out a way to track licensing opportunities by knowing which researchers, companies, universities, or inventors have scouted for patents in your domain of interest. By doing an analysis, the applicant will prevent himself from any kind of anticipating patent infringement suit. It can open up new innovative R&D process and product development priorities such as Identify new or prospective competitors in a business area or technology realm. It provides a clear map by observing patenting activity in some markets. It save huge expenditure by taking any decisive action about whether to follow a patent, defensively publish the idea as a technical publication, or keep the invention a trade secret.

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